This folder contains the oblique photographs used in the application. The following folder structure needs to be strictly adhered to: /obliques /LakeMichigan /1976 /med /orig /pop /thumb /2007 /med /orig /pop /thumb /LakeSuperior /1976 /med /orig /pop /thumb /2007 /med /orig /pop /thumb With Details: /obliques < directory at root of application, contains 'Lake[Name]' directories /LakeMichigan < name of lake with no space, contains '[year]' directories /1976 < four digit year, defined in photo db, contains '[size]' directories /med < contains medium photos, sized to 640 pixels wide /orig < contains original photos, left as is from source material /pop < contains popup photos, sized to 320 pixels wide /thumb < contains thumbnail photos, sized to 140 pixels wide Making resized photos: (there may be many ways, but this is the way I did it) Note: - Requires 'Adobe Photoshop' (used version CS2 for these instructions) - Requires 'A.F.5 Rename your files' from CNet's (used version 1.1 here) - currently at - if link is broken, search 'A.F.5' at - Create a directory on the C:\ of the computer (resizing doesn't seem to work over network drives) - In that directory create four folders: med, orig, pop, thumb - Copy the original sized photos into the /orig/ folder - Open 'Adobe Photoshop' - Go to 'File' > 'Scripts' > 'Image Processor' - In Section 1, click on the 'Select Folder...' button and navigate to the /orig/ folder containing the full size photos - In Section 2, click on the 'Select Folder...' button and navigate to the /med/ folder - In Section 3, put checks in the 'Save as JPEG' and 'Resize to Fit' checkboxes - Type '9' into 'Quality:' - Type '640' into both 'W:' and 'H:' - Uncheck the 'Convert Profile to sRGB' - Make sure there are no other checks in this section - In Section 4, uncheck 'Include ICC Profile' and make sure there is no check in 'Run Action' - Finally, Click the 'Run' button in the upper right corner - Photoshop will batch process all the photos and create the resized photos into the specified folder - Note: This will take significant time if the original photos are large and/or there are thousands of them - When Photoshop is finally done batch resizing the photos, Open 'A.F.5 Rename your files' - Open the folder containing the resized photos in Windows Explorer (Windows Key + E) - 'Select All' the photos and drag them onto the 'A.F.5 Rename your files' window - Use the dropdowns and text fields at the top to create the renaming protocol: - In the first dropdown choose 'Left' and in the box below it type '1-' without the quotes - In the second dropdown choose 'String' and in the box below it type '_med' without the quotes - In the rest of the dropdowns choose '' - Notice the current filenames and the new filenames in the lower part of the window - Note: The 'Left' type with value of '1-' means start at the 1st character from the left and extend to the end - Note: The 'String' type with value of '_med' means append that string to the filename - Finally, Click the 'Rename' button in the upper right corner - The files will be renamed - Select all the files with 'Ctrl + A' (or 'Edit' > 'Select All') and then Click the 'Remove' button on the right - Now repeat the steps above to create the popup and thumbnail sizes - Note: For popup sized photos, choose the /pop/ folder in Section 2 and use '320' for the 'W:' and 'H:' in Section 3 - Note: When renaming the /pop/ files, use '_pop' for the 'String' in the second dropdown - Note: For thumb sized photos, choose the /thumb/ folder in Section 2 and use '140' for the 'W:' and 'H:' in Section 3 - Note: When renaming the /thumb/ files, use '_thumb' for the 'String' in the second dropdown - Finally, Move the resized and renamed photos into the appropriate folder in the /obliques/ folder on the webserver