Farren, This code has been modified from the original code (which had a prescribed "truth" profile) to read in the RAQMS profiles mapped to the AIRS granule. The following code will need to be modified in raqms_airs_coproc.pro so that you can read in your model data after it has been mapped to the AIRS granule. You will need to provide the following from your model: psfc (surface pressure, mb) p3d (model layer pressures, mb) cod (CO mixing ratio, ppv) I currently read in lats,lons,time,psfc as double precision 2d arrays and p3d,t3d,cod,o3d,q3d as single precision arrays. where: nc=number of longitudes in mapped data (defined by AIRS granule) nr=number of latitudes in mapped data (defined by AIRS granule) nl=number of levels in the mapped data (defined by the model) The following arrays are not needed (but saved because AIRS provides retreivals for them): t3d (temperature, K) o3d (O3 mixing ratio, ppv) q3d (water vapor mixing ratio, kg/kg) ; ; raqms mapped to AIRS file ; curtain_dir='/data2/CalNex/Flight_data/UW-Hybrid/' raqmsfile= curtain_dir+'AIRSSUP.DAY.2010JD99.109.RAQMS.dat' close,2 openr,2,raqmsfile,/f77 nc=0l nr=0l nl=0l readu,2,nc,nr lats=dblarr(nc,nr) lons=dblarr(nc,nr) time=dblarr(nc,nr) psfc=dblarr(nc,nr) readu,2,lats,lons,time,psfc readu,2,nl,nc,nr p3d=fltarr(nl,nc,nr) t3d=fltarr(nl,nc,nr) cod=fltarr(nl,nc,nr) o3d=fltarr(nl,nc,nr) q3d=fltarr(nl,nc,nr) readu,2,p3d readu,2,t3d readu,2,cod readu,2,o3d readu,2,q3d close,2