from __future__ import division import numpy as np cimport numpy as np cimport cython DTYPE1 = np.float ctypedef np.float_t DTYPE1_t DTYPE2 = ctypedef np.int_t DTYPE2_t DTYPE3 = np.float32 ctypedef np.float32_t DTYPE3_t @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.nonecheck(False) ##################################################################################################### # Caveat: # If the feature you are looking for has over 100000 points, this will Segfault. # We can increase that number, but at a large decrease in efficiency (or perhaps this code needs to be # designed better). If you are searching a large 2D grid for a value that occurs frequently, # then just use numpy.where. def cython_where(np.ndarray[DTYPE3_t, ndim=2] data, oper, DTYPE1_t val, np.ndarray[DTYPE2_t, ndim=1] xind, np.ndarray[DTYPE2_t, ndim=1] yind): assert data.dtype == DTYPE3 cdef int xmax = data.shape[0] cdef int ymax = data.shape[1] cdef unsigned int x, y cdef int count = 0 # cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE2_t, ndim=1] xind = np.empty(100000,dtype=int) # cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE2_t, ndim=1] yind = np.empty(100000,dtype=int) if(oper == 'EQ' or oper == 'eq'): for x in xrange(xmax): for y in xrange(ymax): if(data[x,y] == val): xind[count] = x yind[count] = y count += 1 elif(oper == 'GE' or oper == 'ge'): for x in xrange(xmax): for y in xrange(ymax): if(data[x,y] >= val): xind[count] = x yind[count] = y count += 1 elif(oper == 'GT' or oper == 'gt'): for x in xrange(xmax): for y in xrange(ymax): if(data[x,y] > val): xind[count] = x yind[count] = y count += 1 elif(oper == 'LE' or oper == 'le'): for x in xrange(xmax): for y in xrange(ymax): if(data[x,y] <= val): xind[count] = x yind[count] = y count += 1 else: # LT for x in xrange(xmax): for y in xrange(ymax): if(data[x,y] < val): xind[count] = x yind[count] = y count += 1 return tuple([xind[0:count],yind[0:count]]),count ##################################################################################################### def cython_where_EQ_1D(np.ndarray[DTYPE1_t, ndim=1] data, DTYPE1_t val): assert data.dtype == DTYPE1 cdef int xmax = data.shape[0] cdef unsigned int x cdef int count = 0 cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE2_t, ndim=1] xind = np.zeros(100000,dtype=int) for x in xrange(xmax): if(data[x] == val): xind[count] = x count += 1 return xind[0:count],count #####################################################################################################