Program OVERSPOT * c This routine was originally written in Meteorological Fortran c (MeteFor), an extension of Fortran-77, in order to utilize the c vector and matrix notation available in MeteFor. This c routine is also maintained in MeteFor. Some of the original c MeteFor code may appear in statements which have been commented c out. The original MeteFor source (suffix .hlf) is more c readable and self-documenting. See the document MeteFor.doc. * * Inputs: * c Satellite: (AQUA, TERRA, NOAA18, etc) c Starting date: yymmdd c Ending data: yymmdd c Geodetic Latitude of Ground Point c Longitude of ground point c Target Diameter in kilometers * implicit double precision(d) parameter(d0=0.d+0, dtintv=48.d+0/1440.d+0) character*4 cmode character*8 csat * vector (f)vcoord,(f)vnadir,(f)vec4,(f)vnorax real vq41(3),vq42(3) real vspot(3),vwb(3),vsat(3),vnad(3),vdl(3) cxr numarg,fltarg,dtmjdn,vec4,vcoord,vnadir,vnorax,invnor,angbtw cxr tcivil c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx call getarg(1,csat) jd1 = argnum(2) jd2 = argnum(3) gdlat = fltarg(4) glong = fltarg(5) sepmax = fltarg(6) dtgo = dtmjdn(jd1/10000, mod(jd1/100,100), mod(jd1,100),0,0,0) dtstop = dtmjdn(jd2/10000, mod(jd2/100,100), mod(jd2,100),0,0,0) open(30, file='OVERSPOT', form='formatted', status='unknown', x access='sequential') write(30, '(1h ,a8)') csat re = erad84(gdlat) * * vspot = vcoord(d0, vec4(gdlat,glong,re), 'DLT') call vec4(gdlat,glong,re,vq41) call vcoord(d0,vq41,'DLT',vq42) vspot(1) = vq42(1) vspot(2) = vq42(2) vspot(3) = vq42(3) nc = 0 * do 2 dt=dtgo,dtstop,dtintv * nc = & + 1 nc=nc+1 * if(mod(nc,100).eq.0)then * vwb=vnorax(d0,' ',wb,wb,wb) call vnorax(d0,' ',wb,wb,wb,vwb) end if * call invnor(dt,csat, gdlat,glong, x dtpass,slant,elev,scan,sclat,sclong,cdt,cmode) if( to 2 * * vsat = vcoord(d0, vec4(sclat,sclong,cdt), 'LLT') call vec4(sclat,sclong,cdt,vq41) call vcoord(d0,vq41,'LLT',vq42) vsat(1) = vq42(1) vsat(2) = vq42(2) vsat(3) = vq42(3) * * vnad = vnadir(vsat) call vnadir(vsat,vnad) * * sep = 111.12*angbtw(vnad,vspot) rq41=angbtw(vnad,vspot) sep=111.12*rq41 if( to 2 * call tcivil(dtpass, jy,jm,jd,kh,km,sec,nth) * anad = angbtw(vnad-vsat, vspot-vsat) vq41(1) = vnad(1)-vsat(1) vq41(2) = vnad(2)-vsat(2) vq41(3) = vnad(3)-vsat(3) vq42(1) = vspot(1)-vsat(1) vq42(2) = vspot(2)-vsat(2) vq42(3) = vspot(3)-vsat(3) rq41=angbtw(vq41,vq42) anad=rq41 * * vdl = vcoord(d0, vnad, 'TDL') call vcoord(d0,vnad,'TDL',vdl) * write(30, '(1h , i5,4(1x,i2.2),f6.1, 3f9.3,f9.2)') jy,jm,jd,kh,km,sec, x vdl(1),vdl(2),sep,anad write(*, '(1h , i5,4(1x,i2.2),f6.1, 3f9.3,f9.2)') jy,jm,jd,kh,km,sec, x vdl(1),vdl(2),sep,anad 2 continue * close(30) stop end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function ARGNUM(jpos) * * 15 Jun 06 - uses new nscan character*24 cin cxr nscan c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx call getarg(jpos, cin) kol = 1 num = nscan(kol,cin) * num may be negative argnum = num return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function FLTARG(jpos) * c To fetch the jpos-th input argument (like IPP in McIdas) c as a REAL Character*1 cinput(80), ch Character*80 cin equivalence(cin,cinput(1)) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cin = ' ' call getarg(jpos, cin) kol = 1 jsign = 1 nfrac = 0 kpt = 0 mag = 0 * if(cinput(1) == '-') then kol = 2 jsign = -1 end if * do n = 1,32 ch = cinput(kol) if(ch == ' ') exit if(ch == '.') kpt = 1 ich = ichar(ch) * if(ich>=48 .and. ich<=57) then mag = 10*mag + ich - 48 nfrac = nfrac + kpt end if * kol = kol + 1 end do * flt = jsign*mag if(nfrac > 0) flt = flt / (10. ** nfrac) fltarg = flt return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Double Precision Function DTMJDN(myrx,mon,mday,jhour,jmin,jsec) * c To compute the Modified Julian Day Number (MJDN), based on c the epoch of 00z 1 January 1970: * * The Modified Julian Day Number is the Julian Day Number c of a given date, with the JDN of 12z 1 Jan 1970 subtracted. * * The last 3 arguments may be either REAL*4 or INTEGER*4. * * This routine should not be used for dates earlier than c 1 January 1970. * Implicit None Double Precision djul,dhour,dmin,dsec Real hour,fmin,sec Integer khour,kmin,ksec,imax,myr,myrx,jhour,jmin,jsec,kalday Integer mday,jday,month,mon,jcode,m100,mod,m400,m4,m,ndm Integer julday * equivalence(khour,hour),(kmin,fmin),(ksec,sec) save data imax/16777216/ cxr julday c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx myr = myrx khour = jhour kmin = jmin ksec = jsec if(khour .lt. imax)hour = khour if(kmin .lt. imax)fmin = kmin if(ksec .lt. imax)sec = ksec kalday = mday jday = kalday month = mon if(mon .ne. 0) go to 10 * jcode = 1115212 m100 = mod(myr,100) m400 = mod(myr,400) m4 = mod(myr,4) if(m400.eq.0 .or. (m4.eq.0 .and. = 1115208 * do 12 m = 1,12 month = m ndm = 31 - mod(jcode,4) jday = jday - ndm if(jday.le.0) go to 20 * 12 jcode = jcode/4 * 20 kalday = jday + ndm * if( write(*, '('' DTMJDN: month & day:'', 2i8)') month,kalday stop 99 end if * 10 djul = julday(myr, month, kalday) - 2440588 dhour = hour dmin = fmin dsec = sec djul = djul + (dhour + dmin/60.d+0 + dsec/3600.d+0)/24.d+0 dtmjdn = djul - .5d+0 if(djul .le. 0.d+0)dtmjdn = 0.d+0 return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr c Vector*4 Function VEC4(x,y,z) Subroutine VEC4(x,y,z, vec) c To return a vector whose components are the three given c values x,y,z * real vec(3) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vec(1) = x vec(2) = y vec(3) = z return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Subroutine VCOORD(dt,vecin,cmode, vecout) * cxr sine,cosine,geodet,geocen,arctan,verneq ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! DOCUMENTATION: * ! Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies ! University of Wisconsin ! 1225 W Dayton Street ! Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA * ! Name: VCOORD; a subroutine-type subprogram ! This is a vector-valued function under MeteFor. * ! Inputs: Time, real(double), in Julian Day Number ! or Modified Julian Day Number (MJDN) ! a real(single) 3-dimensional vector in some coordinate system ! a character*3 variable stating the desired transformation ! 12 Jan 00: Modified Julian Day Number (from epoch of ! 1 Jan 70) is also accepted. * ! Output: a 3-dimensional real(single) transformed vector * ! Usage: ! To inter-convert among various coordinate systems: ! cmode = LLC Geocentric Lat/Long to Celestial ! cmode = LLT Geocentric Lat/Long to Terrestrial ! cmode = CT Celestial to Terrestrial ! cmode = DLC Geodetic Lat/Long to Celestial ! cmode = DLT Geodetic Lat/Long to Terrestrial * ! and the inverses of these operations: (CLL, TLL, TC, DLT, TDL) * ! Note regarding time: An input value for time (dt) is required ! only if the celestial coordinate system is involved, either as ! input or output coordinates. If the transformation is ! strictly between Lat/Long/CD on the one hand, and terrestrial ! on the other, a dummy value of time (e.g. zero) can be used. * ! Modules: verneq, sine, cosine, arctan * ! Comment: The three coordinate systems treated by this routine are ! defined as follows: * ! Celestial: The x-coordinate is directed from the center of ! the earth toward the vernal equinox. The y-coordinate is ! directed 90 deg east of the x-coordinate, and the z-coordinate ! is directed from the earth's center toward the north pole. ! The three coordinates form a right-hand orthonormal system. * ! Terrestrial: The x-coordinate is directed from the earth's center ! toward the Greenwich meridian; the y-coordinate is directed ! 90 deg east of the x-coordinate; the z coordinate is directed ! from the earth's center toward the north pole. The terrestrial ! coordinates are a right-hand orthonormal system. * ! Latitude/Longitude: The three components are latitude in ! degrees, positive north; longitude in degrees, positive east; ! and radius vector in arbitrary units from the earth's center ! to a given point. These coordinates are not orthogonal ! vectors. The coordinates are vectors only in the sense that ! they are three ordered real numbers. The latitude may be either ! geocentric or geodetic, depending on the conversion mode. * ! Programmer: F W Nagle ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision dt,deqr2,deqrad character*3 cmodes(10),cmode dimension vecin(3),vecout(3),vecinp(3) save data cmodes/'LLC', 'LLT', 'CT ', 'CLL', 'TLL', 'TC ', x 'DLC', 'DLT', 'CDL', 'TDL'/ c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kdetic = 0 lm = 0 * do 2 j=1,10 lm = j if(cmodes(j)(1:3).eq.cmode(1:3)) go to 8 2 continue * write(*, '('' VCOORD: Unrecognized Transformation: '', 1 a3)') CMODE return 8 jtest = (lm-1)*(lm-3)*(lm-4)*(lm-6)*(lm-7)*(lm-9) velong= 0. * if(jtest.eq.0)then if( go to 920 if( go to 920 velong= verneq(dt) end if * * do 4 j=1,3 vecinp(j) = vecin(j) 4 continue * if(lm.eq.7.or.lm.eq.8)then lm=lm-6 vecinp(1)=geocen(vecinp(1)) end if * if( * lm = & - 5 lm=lm-5 kdetic = 1 end if * if( if(iabs(lm).gt.1) go to 50 if( go to 20 * 10 if(abs(vecinp(1)).gt.90.)then write(*, '('' VCOORD: Bad input latitude: '', f12.2)') 1 vecinp(1) go to 922 end if * deqrad = vecinp(3) * cosine(vecinp(1)) clong = vecinp(2) - velong vecout(1) = deqrad * cosine(clong) vecout(2) = deqrad * sine(clong) vecout(3) = vecinp(3) * sine(vecinp(1)) return * 20 clong = arctan(vecinp(1), vecinp(2)) deqr2 = dble(vecinp(1))**2 + dble(vecinp(2))**2 eqr = dsqrt(deqr2) vecout(1) = arctan(eqr, vecinp(3)) vecout(2) = clong + velong if(vecout(2).lt.-180.)vecout(2) = vecout(2)+360. if(vecout(2).gt.180.)vecout(2) = vecout(2)-360. vecout(3) = dsqrt(deqr2 + dble(vecinp(3))**2) if( return * 50 if(iabs(lm).gt.2) go to 100 if( go to 20 go to 10 * 100 if( go to 110 * 102 vecout(3) = vecinp(3) clong = arctan(vecinp(1), vecinp(2)) glong = clong + velong deqrad = dsqrt(dble(vecinp(1))**2 + dble(vecinp(2))**2) vecout(1) = deqrad * cosine(glong) vecout(2) = deqrad * sine(glong) return * 110 velong = -velong go to 102 * 920 write(*, '('' VCOORD: The input time is wrong: '', 1pd20.10)') 1 dt * 922 vecout(1) = 0. vecout(2) = 0. vecout(3) = 0. return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Subroutine VNADIR(vsat,vqadir) * cxr vcoord,vec4,arctan,geodet,erad84 * Given a celestial or terrestrial satellite position vector, c this routine computes in the same coordinate system the c position vector of the point on the ground at the satellite c nadir, taking into account the ellipsoidal shape of the c earth. This point in general is not at the geocentric c latitude of the satellite. * implicit double precision(d) parameter (smajx=6378.388, sminx=6356.911946, 1 b=sminx/smajx, b2=b*b, d0=0.d+0, epsi=.000001) integer jqmax/z'7fffffff'/ real vqadir(3) * vector (f)vcoord,(f)vec4 real vq41(3),vq42(3) real vbl(3),vsat(3),vll(3),vs(3),vtan(3),vg(3),view(3) save c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * vbl = vsat vbl(1) = vsat(1) vbl(2) = vsat(2) vbl(3) = vsat(3) * * vll = vcoord(d0, vbl, 'TLL') call vcoord(d0,vbl,'TLL',vq41) vll(1) = vq41(1) vll(2) = vq41(2) vll(3) = vq41(3) * gclat = vll(1) kase = 0 if(abs(gclat).lt.45.)kase=1 if(kase.eq.0)then * * vs = vbl/smajx vq41(1) = vbl(1)/smajx vq41(2) = vbl(2)/smajx vq41(3) = vbl(3)/smajx vs(1) = vq41(1) vs(2) = vq41(2) vs(3) = vq41(3) * * vs = vec4(sqrt(vs(1)**2 + vs(2)**2), abs(vs(3)), 0.) rq41=vs(1) rq42=vs(2) rq43=rq41**2 rq44=rq42**2 rq45=rq43+rq44 call vec4(sqrt(rq45),abs(vs(3)),0.,vq41) vs(1) = vq41(1) vs(2) = vq41(2) vs(3) = vq41(3) * c = b c2 = b2 else * * vs = vbl/sminx vq41(1) = vbl(1)/sminx vq41(2) = vbl(2)/sminx vq41(3) = vbl(3)/sminx vs(1) = vq41(1) vs(2) = vq41(2) vs(3) = vq41(3) * * vs = vec4( abs(vs(3)), sqrt(vs(1)**2 + vs(2)**2), 0.) rq41=vs(1) rq42=vs(2) rq43=rq41**2 rq44=rq42**2 rq45=rq43+rq44 call vec4(abs(vs(3)),sqrt(rq45),0.,vq41) vs(1) = vq41(1) vs(2) = vq41(2) vs(3) = vq41(3) * c = 1./b c2 = 1./b2 end if x = vs(1)/sqrt(vs(1)*vs(1) + vs(2)*vs(2)) xl = x + .01 sdotj = vs(2) vtan(1) = 1. vtan(3) = 0. * * do until(abs(x-xl) < epsi) do 2 kq0001 = 1,jqmax if(abs(x-xl).lt.epsi)go to 4 * x2 = x*x radic = sqrt(1. - x2) * * vg = vec4(x, c*radic, 0.) rq41=c*radic call vec4(x,rq41,0.,vq41) vg(1) = vq41(1) vg(2) = vq41(2) vg(3) = vq41(3) * * * view = vs - vg vq41(1) = vs(1)-vg(1) vq41(2) = vs(2)-vg(2) vq41(3) = vs(3)-vg(3) view(1) = vq41(1) view(2) = vq41(2) view(3) = vq41(3) * vtan(2) = -x*c/radic * * prod = view*vtan rq41=view(1)*vtan(1)+view(2)*vtan(2)+view(3)*vtan(3) prod=rq41 * * if(abs(prod) <= 0.) exit if(abs(prod).le.0.)then go to 4 end if pp = -c*(x2/(radic**3) + radic)*sdotj - 1. + c2 xl = x x = x - prod/pp 2 continue * 4 y = c*sqrt(1. - x*x) if(kase.eq.0)then elat = sign(1.,gclat)*arctan(x,y) else elat = sign(1.,gclat)*arctan(y,x) end if rad = erad84(geodet(elat)) * * vnadir = vcoord(d0, vec4(elat, vll(2), rad), 'LLT') call vec4(elat,vll(2),rad,vq41) call vcoord(d0,vq41,'LLT',vq42) vqadir(1) = vq42(1) vqadir(2) = vq42(2) vqadir(3) = vq42(3) * return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr * VECTOR FUNCTION VNORAX(DT,CSATX, SLAT,SLONG,CDT) SUBROUTINE VNORAX(DT,CSATX,SLAT,SLONG,CDT,VQORAX) * c This routine was originally written in Meteorological Fortran c (MeteFor), an extension of Fortran-77, in order to utilize the c vector and matrix notation available in MeteFor. This c routine is also maintained in MeteFor. Some of the original c MeteFor code may appear in statements which have been commented c out. The original MeteFor source (suffix .hlf) is more c readable and self-documenting. See the document MeteFor.doc. * c ------------------------------------------------------------ * Orbital parameters (2-line elements) are available * through the web site: * * 1 Sep 07; in util.a c 21 Jun 07; The common block /tle/ is now used to contain csats and c parms, to allow internal parameter updates with INSTOP. c 24 Oct 06; allows 24 vice 16 satellites, used in NORWATCH * 17 May 01; initialization of common blocks transferred to c INPARM, q.v. * 16 ===> 8 as maximum num of satellites * ! FUNCTION: * ! This routine computes the past or future position of ! any of several satellites at a given time, returning the ! results as latitude/longitude, or as a 3-dimensional ! vector in the celestial coordinate system. The calculation ! is based on the NORAD-developed routine SGP8. ! A detailed document in Acrobat format exists describing the ! NORAD-developed routines (spacetrk.pdf). * ! INPUTS: * ! dt (Double Precision or Real(double)): ! The time for which a predicted satellite position is ! wanted, expressed in Modified Julian Day Number (MJDN). ! For an explanation of MJDN, see the ASCII document ! Julian.Day.Number, and the routine dtmjdn.f * ! csatx (character*8): ! The identifier for the satellite (e.g. NOAA11, DMSP14, etc) * ! OUTPUTS: * ! slat(real or real(single)): ! satellite geocentric latitude * ! slong (real or real(single)): ! satellite longitude * ! cdt (real or real(single)): ! central distance, measured from the center of the earth ! to the satellite, in kilometers. * ! VQORAX (Vector*8 or real(single), dimension=3): ! The vector position of the satellite in celestial coordinates. * ! Note: The needed orbital parameters must exist in the NORAD ! two-line element format in the file TLINSET. * ! PROGRAMMER: F W Nagle, SSEC c --------------------------------------------------- implicit double precision(d) parameter (nmax=24) * character*8 csat,csatx,cslast,csats character*132 caplet real de2ra,buf(13) real vqorax(3) * vector (f)vcoord real vq41(3) real vsat(3),vll(3) dimension csats(nmax),parms(13,nmax) * common/e1/dtelem,ds50,xmo,xnodeo,omegao,eo,xincl,xno,xndt2o,xndd60 x,bstar,x,y,z,xdot,ydot,zdot common/tle/csats,parms common/c1/ck2,ck4,e6a,qoms2t,s,tothrd,xj3,xke,eqrad,xmnpda,ae common/c2/de2ra,pi,pio2,twopi,x3pio2 equivalence(buf(1),dtelem) save * data init/0/ data csats/ 24*' ' /, cslast/' '/ data xj2,xj4,qo,so/1.082616e-3, -1.65597e-6,120., 78./ cxr caplet,inparm,sgp8,vcoord c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if(init.eq.0)instal=0 jsat = 0 csat = csatx * csat = caplet(&,8) csat=caplet(csat,8) iflag = 0 * if(csat.eq.' ')then * do 2 j=1,nmax 2 csats(j) = ' ' * * vnorax = 0. vqorax(1)=0. vqorax(2)=0. vqorax(3)=0. cslast = ' ' init = 0 instal = 0 go to 102 * end if * if( iflag = 1 cslast = csat end if * do 4 n=1,nmax * if(csats(n).eq.csat)then jsat = n kfetch = 0 go to 6 end if * 4 continue 6 continue * if(jsat.eq.0)then kfetch = 1 * do 8 i=1,nmax if(csats(i).ne.' ')go to 8 * jsat = i csats(i) = csat go to 10 8 continue * 10 continue * if(jsat.eq.0)then write(*, '('' VNORAX: There is no slot available for this '', 1 ''satellite: '', a8)') CSAT * * vnorax = 0. vqorax(1)=0. vqorax(2)=0. vqorax(3)=0. go to 102 end if * end if * call tcivil(dt, ny,nm,nd,km,km,sec,nth) * if( jymd = 10000*ny + 100*nm + nd * if(inparm(jymd,csat).ne.0)then write(*, '('' VNORAX: Error return from INPARM '')') * * vnorax = 0. vqorax(1)=0. vqorax(2)=0. vqorax(3)=0. go to 102 * end if * do 12 i=1,13 12 parms(i,jsat) = buf(i) * end if * do 14 i=1,13 14 buf(i) = parms(i,jsat) * iflag = 1 instal = jsat jte = dtelem dtf = dtelem - dflt(jte) dtepoc = dtmjdn(jte/1000, 0, mod(jte,1000), 0,0,0) + dtf tsince = 1440.d+0 * (dt - dtepoc) call sgp8(iflag,tsince) xdot = xdot * eqrad / 60. ydot = ydot * eqrad / 60. zdot = zdot * eqrad / 60. fac = eqrad/ae vsat(1) = fac*x vsat(2) = fac*y vsat(3) = fac*z * * vll = vcoord(dt, vsat, 'CLL') call vcoord(dt,vsat,'CLL',vll) slat = vll(1) slong = vll(2) cdt = vll(3) * * vnorax = vsat vqorax(1) = vsat(1) vqorax(2) = vsat(2) vqorax(3) = vsat(3) init = 1 * 102 return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr SUBROUTINE INVNOR(DT0,CSAT, GDLAT,GLONG, 1 dtpass,slant,elev,scan,sclat,sclong,cdt,cmode) c c This routine was originally written in Meteorological Fortran c (MeteFor), an extension of Fortran-77, in order to utilize the c vector and matrix notation available in MeteFor. This c routine is also maintained in MeteFor. Some of the original c MeteFor code may appear in statements which have been commented c out. The original MeteFor source (suffix .hlf) is more c readable and self-documenting. See the document MeteFor.doc. c cxr vnorax,dtmjdn,vnadir,vcoord,rvmag4,angbtw,unit4,vconic,tcivil c -------------------------------------------------------------- * Generic Inverse Navigation: This routine computes the time c of transit of a satellite with respect to a given ground point. c "Time of Transit" means the moment at which a satellite views c a given ground point directly to its right or left. * c Inputs: c dt0 is the Modified Julian Day Number (MJDN) at some time c within half an orbit, forward or backward, of the unknown * time of transit. c The epoch of MJDN is 00Z 1 Jan 1970. * Longitude (grlong) is positive EAST of Greenwich * Latitude (gdlat) is geodetic. * * Outputs: * dtpass - time of transit (Double Precision) in MJDN. * slant range in kilometers at transit * elevation angle in deg as seen from the ground * nadir angle of ground point as seen from satellite, negative c being to the left of track * satellite geocentric latitude in deg at transit * satellite longitude * central distance (cd) in km from earth center to satellite * mode (character*4), Asc or Desc (ascending or descending path) c ---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit double precision(d) parameter(d0=0.d+0, dt1min=1.d+0/1440.d+0) character*4 cmode character*8 csat integer jqmax/z'7fffffff'/ * vector (f)vnorax,(f)vcoord,(f)unit4,(f)vec4,(f)vconic, * 1 (f)vnadir * vector uk/0.,0.,1./ real uk(3)/0.,0.,1./ real vq41(3),vq42(3),vq43(3) real vtgr(3),vsat(3),uop(3),ugc(3),uxc(3),vcgr(3),vz(3),view(3),u xopr(3),vslant(3),vll(3) dimension xdum(16),veloc(3) common/e1/xdum,veloc equivalence(ecc,xdum(8)),(xmm,xdum(10)) equivalence(xincl,xdum(9)) equivalence(dtelem,xdum(1)) save c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gclat = geocen(gdlat) re = earrad(gclat) * * vtgr = vcoord(d0, vec4(gclat,glong,re), 'LLT') call vec4(gclat,glong,re,vq41) call vcoord(d0,vq41,'LLT',vq42) vtgr(1) = vq42(1) vtgr(2) = vq42(2) vtgr(3) = vq42(3) * * vsat = vnorax(dt0,csat, slat,slong,cd) call vnorax(dt0,csat,slat,slong,cd,vq41) vsat(1) = vq41(1) vsat(2) = vq41(2) vsat(3) = vq41(3) * * if(rvmag4(vsat) <= 0.) then rq41=rvmag4(vsat) * if(rq41.le.0.)then cdt = 0. write(*, '('' INVNOR: VSAT has zero magnitude'')') stop 99 end if * dmm = 1440.*xmm/6.2831853 dincl = 57.2957795*xincl deccen = ecc sma = 1.852*smaxis(dmm, deccen, dincl) permin = (sma/330.9982746) ** 1.5 jdelem = dtelem dtepoc = dtmjdn(jdelem/1000, 0, mod(jdelem,1000),0,0,0) 1 + dtelem - dflt(jdelem) dtepsi = .1d+0 + 2.3d+0*dabs(dt0-dtepoc)/1000.d+0 * dtepsi = &/86400.d+0 dtepsi=dtepsi/86400.d+0 * * uop = unit4(vsat veloc) vq41(1) = vsat(2)*veloc(3) - veloc(2)*vsat(3) vq41(2) = vsat(3)*veloc(1) - veloc(3)*vsat(1) vq41(3) = vsat(1)*veloc(2) - veloc(1)*vsat(2) call unit4(vq41,vq42) uop(1) = vq42(1) uop(2) = vq42(2) uop(3) = vq42(3) * * * ugc = vcoord(dt0, vtgr, 'TC ')/re call vcoord(dt0,vtgr,'TC ',vq41) vq42(1) = vq41(1)/re vq42(2) = vq41(2)/re vq42(3) = vq41(3)/re ugc(1) = vq42(1) ugc(2) = vq42(2) ugc(3) = vq42(3) * * uxc = unit4(uop (ugc uop)) vq41(1) = ugc(2)*uop(3) - uop(2)*ugc(3) vq41(2) = ugc(3)*uop(1) - uop(3)*ugc(1) vq41(3) = ugc(1)*uop(2) - uop(1)*ugc(2) vq42(1) = uop(2)*vq41(3) - vq41(2)*uop(3) vq42(2) = uop(3)*vq41(1) - vq41(3)*uop(1) vq42(3) = uop(1)*vq41(2) - vq41(1)*uop(2) call unit4(vq42,vq43) uxc(1) = vq43(1) uxc(2) = vq43(2) uxc(3) = vq43(3) * * ang = sign( angbtw(vsat,uxc), vsatuxc*uop) vq41(1) = vsat(2)*uxc(3) - uxc(2)*vsat(3) vq41(2) = vsat(3)*uxc(1) - uxc(3)*vsat(1) vq41(3) = vsat(1)*uxc(2) - uxc(1)*vsat(2) rq41=vq41(1)*uop(1)+vq41(2)*uop(2)+vq41(3)*uop(3) rq42=sign(angbtw(vsat,uxc),rq41) ang=rq42 gammax = arccos( re/cd) * * angb= angbtw(ugc,uxc) rq41=angbtw(ugc,uxc) angb=rq41 * if( dtpass = -1.d+0 go to 102 end if * togo = ang*permin/360. dtl = dt0 + togo/1440. * * vcgr = vcoord(dtl, vtgr, 'TC ') call vcoord(dtl,vtgr,'TC ',vq41) vcgr(1) = vq41(1) vcgr(2) = vq41(2) vcgr(3) = vq41(3) * * vsat = vnorax(dtl,csat, slat,slong,cd) call vnorax(dtl,csat,slat,slong,cd,vq41) vsat(1) = vq41(1) vsat(2) = vq41(2) vsat(3) = vq41(3) * * vz = vsat - vnadir(vsat) call vnadir(vsat,vq41) vq42(1) = vsat(1)-vq41(1) vq42(2) = vsat(2)-vq41(2) vq42(3) = vsat(3)-vq41(3) vz(1) = vq42(1) vz(2) = vq42(2) vz(3) = vq42(3) * * view = vcgr - vsat vq41(1) = vcgr(1)-vsat(1) vq41(2) = vcgr(2)-vsat(2) vq41(3) = vcgr(3)-vsat(3) view(1) = vq41(1) view(2) = vq41(2) view(3) = vq41(3) * * spl = view * (uop vz) vq41(1) = uop(2)*vz(3) - vz(2)*uop(3) vq41(2) = uop(3)*vz(1) - vz(3)*uop(1) vq41(3) = uop(1)*vz(2) - vz(1)*uop(2) rq41=view(1)*vq41(1)+view(2)*vq41(2)+view(3)*vq41(3) spl=rq41 dt = dtl + dt1min nits = 0 c * do until (dabs(dt-dtl) < dtepsi) do 2 kq0001 = 1,jqmax * if(dabs(dt-dtl).lt.dtepsi)go to 4 * * vsat = vnorax(dt,csat, slat,slong,cd) call vnorax(dt,csat,slat,slong,cd,vq41) vsat(1) = vq41(1) vsat(2) = vq41(2) vsat(3) = vq41(3) * * vcgr = vcoord(dt, vtgr, 'TC ') call vcoord(dt,vtgr,'TC ',vq41) vcgr(1) = vq41(1) vcgr(2) = vq41(2) vcgr(3) = vq41(3) * * uop = unit4(vsatveloc) vq41(1) = vsat(2)*veloc(3) - veloc(2)*vsat(3) vq41(2) = vsat(3)*veloc(1) - veloc(3)*vsat(1) vq41(3) = vsat(1)*veloc(2) - veloc(1)*vsat(2) call unit4(vq41,vq42) uop(1) = vq42(1) uop(2) = vq42(2) uop(3) = vq42(3) * * uopr = uop uopr(1) = uop(1) uopr(2) = uop(2) uopr(3) = uop(3) * * vz = vsat - vnadir(vsat) call vnadir(vsat,vq41) vq42(1) = vsat(1)-vq41(1) vq42(2) = vsat(2)-vq41(2) vq42(3) = vsat(3)-vq41(3) vz(1) = vq42(1) vz(2) = vq42(2) vz(3) = vq42(3) * * tilt = angbtw(vsat, vsat-vz) vq41(1) = vsat(1)-vz(1) vq41(2) = vsat(2)-vz(2) vq41(3) = vsat(3)-vz(3) rq41=angbtw(vsat,vq41) tilt=rq41 * if( * uopr=vconic(uopr,vzvsat,tilt) vq41(1) = vz(2)*vsat(3) - vsat(2)*vz(3) vq41(2) = vz(3)*vsat(1) - vsat(3)*vz(1) vq41(3) = vz(1)*vsat(2) - vsat(1)*vz(2) call vconic(uopr,vq41,tilt,vq42) uopr(1) = vq42(1) uopr(2) = vq42(2) uopr(3) = vq42(3) * end if * * * view = vcgr - vsat vq41(1) = vcgr(1)-vsat(1) vq41(2) = vcgr(2)-vsat(2) vq41(3) = vcgr(3)-vsat(3) view(1) = vq41(1) view(2) = vq41(2) view(3) = vq41(3) * * sp = view * (uopr vz) vq41(1) = uopr(2)*vz(3) - vz(2)*uopr(3) vq41(2) = uopr(3)*vz(1) - vz(3)*uopr(1) vq41(3) = uopr(1)*vz(2) - vz(1)*uopr(2) rq41=view(1)*vq41(1)+view(2)*vq41(2)+view(3)*vq41(3) sp=rq41 roc = (sp - spl)/(dt-dtl) dtl = dt dt = dtl - sp/roc spl = sp * nits = & + 1 nits=nits+1 * * if(nits <= 16) cycle * if(nits.le.16)then go to 2 end if * dtdiff = dt - dtl go to 900 2 continue * 4 continue * * vslant = vcgr - vsat vq41(1) = vcgr(1)-vsat(1) vq41(2) = vcgr(2)-vsat(2) vq41(3) = vcgr(3)-vsat(3) vslant(1) = vq41(1) vslant(2) = vq41(2) vslant(3) = vq41(3) * dtpass = dt * * gamma = sign( angbtw(vsat,vcgr), -uopr*vslant) rq41=uopr(1)*vslant(1)+uopr(2)*vslant(2)+uopr(3)*vslant(3) rq42=-rq41 rq43=sign(angbtw(vsat,vcgr),rq42) gamma=rq43 * if(abs(gamma).gt.gammax)then dtpass = -1.d+0 go to 102 end if * * scan = sign(angbtw(vslant,-vz), gamma) vq41(1)= -vz(1) vq41(2)= -vz(2) vq41(3)= -vz(3) rq41=sign(angbtw(vslant,vq41),gamma) scan=rq41 * * slant = rvmag4(vslant) rq41=rvmag4(vslant) slant=rq41 * * vll = vcoord(dt, vsat, 'CLL') call vcoord(dt,vsat,'CLL',vq41) vll(1) = vq41(1) vll(2) = vq41(2) vll(3) = vq41(3) * sclat = vll(1) sclong = vll(2) elev = 90. - abs(gamma) - abs(scan) cmode = 'Asc ' * * if(veloc*uk < 0.) cmode = 'Desc' rq41=veloc(1)*uk(1)+veloc(2)*uk(2)+veloc(3)*uk(3) * if( cmode='Desc' end if * cdt = cd 102 return * 900 tdiff = 86400.d+0 * dabs(dtdiff) write(*, '('' INVNOR; no convergence; err = '', f12.4, 1 '' sec'')') TDIFF call tcivil(dt0, jy,jm,jd,kh,km,sec,nth) write(*, '('' csat, dt0: '', a8,8x,i5,4i3,f6.1)') x csat,jy,jm,jd,kh,km,sec call tcivil(dtepoc, jy,jm,jd,kh,km,sec,nth) write(*, '('' Epoch of Parameters: '', i11,4i3,f6.1/)') x jy,jm,jd,kh,km,sec dtpass = -1.d+0 return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function ANGBTW(V1,V2) * * To compute the Real*4 angle in degrees between two Vector*4: * Implicit None Double Precision dot,rq81,da1,da2,darg,d0,dtest,dsqrt,dabs Double Precision d1,dsign,dc,dacos Real angbtw * parameter(dc = 180.d+0/3.141592653589793d+0, d0=0.d+0, 1 d1=1.d+0) double precision vv1(3),vv2(3) real v1(3),v2(3) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vv1(1) = v1(1) vv1(2) = v1(2) vv1(3) = v1(3) * vv2(1) = v2(1) vv2(2) = v2(2) vv2(3) = v2(3) * dot=vv1(1)*vv2(1)+vv1(2)*vv2(2)+vv1(3)*vv2(3) da1=vv1(1)*vv1(1)+vv1(2)*vv1(2)+vv1(3)*vv1(3) da2=vv2(1)*vv2(1)+vv2(2)*vv2(2)+vv2(3)*vv2(3) darg = da1*da2 * if(darg.le.d0)then write(*, '('' ANGBTW: an argument is zero '')') angbtw = 360. * else dtest = dot/dsqrt(darg) if(dabs(dtest).gt.d1)dtest=dsign(d1,dtest) angbtw = dc*dacos(dtest) end if * return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function NSCAN(kol,card) * * 28 Jun 06; corrected error involving minus sign; see below * 15 Jun 06; modified to accept minus sign * Derived from NSCAN.hlf, used in McEDIT * * This function will scan across blanks on an ASCII line c to find the next numeric field, from which it will compute c a binary value. kol does not need to be set to the * beginning of the next ASCII integer value. * character*1 card,ch dimension card(32) data n0,n9/48,57/ c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mag = 0 kmag = 0 jsign = 1 * do 10 n = 1,16 ch = card(kol) * * Find the start of the next integer field: if(ch .eq. ' ') then * 28 Jun 06; changed here: if(kmag.eq.0 .and. go to 10 go to 22 end if * if(ch .eq. '-') then jsign = -1 go to 10 end if * ich = ichar(ch) if( .or. go to 22 kmag = 1 mag = 10*mag + ich - n0 10 kol = kol + 1 * 22 nscan = jsign*mag return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function JULDAY(jyear,month,jday) * c 1 Jun 07; logic somewhat modernized * 27 Jun 98; 2-digit years less than 70 are construed as c 21st century. jyear may optionally be 4 digits to avoid c ambiguity. * c To get the Julian day number of the day beginning c at 12 Z of the given calendar date. If jyear is given with c only two digits, the 20th century is assumed if it is greater c than 69, and the 21st century otherwise. The routine is c valid for any date of the Gregorian calendar later than c 1 Jan 100 AD, and earlier than 1 Jan 4000 AD, since c years divisible by 4000 are common years in the Gregorian c calendar. If month = 0, then jday is interpreted as the numeric c day of the year, 1-366. cxr julday c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if( .or. .or. go to 160 if(jday.le.0 .or. go to 160 if( .and. go to 160 * jyr = jyear if(jyr .lt. 70) jyr = jyr + 2000 * added 27 Jun 98 if(jyr .lt. 100) jyr = jyr + 1900 kxtra = 1 kwads = jyr/400 jyrup = 400*kwads nquads = (jyr - jyrup)/4 julian = 1721060 + 146097*kwads + 1461*nquads - nquads/25 c 1721060 is the J.D.N. of 1 Jan 0000 AD. if(mod(nquads,25).ne.0 .or. nquads.eq.0) go to 110 c in a 'short' quadrennium * julian = julian + 1 kxtra = 0 c 'JULIAN' now points to the first day of the quadrennium con- c taining the given date. * 110 jyrup = jyrup + 4*nquads nyears = jyr - jyrup * * changed here 1 Jun 07 if( .or. (mod(jyr,100).eq.0 .and. mod(jyr,400).ne.0)) x then c Common year kode = 1115212 julian = julian + 365*nyears + kxtra * else c Leap year kode = 1115208 end if * if(month .le. 1) go to 140 * do 130 j = 2,month julian = julian + 31 - mod(kode,4) 130 kode = kode/4 * 140 julday = julian + jday - 1 return * 160 write(6,161) jyear,month,jday 161 format(' Error in arguments to JULDAY ',3i12) julday = 0 return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function SINE(xx) * Argument in degrees * Implicit Double Precision(d) Parameter( dc = 3.141592653589793d+0/180.d+0) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dxx = xx ds = dsin(dc*dxx) sine = ds return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function COSINE(xx) * Implicit Double Precision(d) Parameter( dc = 3.141592653589793d+0/180.d+0) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dxx = xx ds = dcos(dc*dxx) cosine = ds return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function GEODET(gcl) * * To convert geocentric latitude to geodetic: * * Given an elliptical earth with semi-major axis = 1, and * semi-minor axis = b, then from the equation of an ellipse, * we have * * b2 x2 + y2 = b2 (1) * y = b sqrt(1 - x2) (2) * sqrt(1 - x2) = y/b (3) * dy/dx = -bx/sqrt(1 - x2) from (2) (4) * * But the slope dy/dx of a point on the ellipse is the negative * reciprocal of the tangent of the geodetic latitude, i.e. * * tan D = sqrt(1 - x2)/bx where D = geodetic latitude * bx tan D = sqrt(1 - x2) = y/b using (3) * b2 tan D = y/x * * On the other hand, y/x is the tangent of the geocentric c latitude. Hence * c b2 tan D = tan C, or tan D = (tan C)/b2 (5) * c which can be used to interconvert latitudes in either direction. * Parameter (smajx=6378388., sminx=6356911.946, 1 b=sminx/smajx, b2 = b*b) c These values of semi-major and semi-minor axis were taken c from the Encyclopedia Britannica (see Geodesy). * * These values are also shown as the * "International Ellipsoid" as defined in * "American Practical Navigator" (Bowditch), Pub. No. 9, * Volume I, p. 1119, Defense Mapping Agency. * save cxr sine,cosine,arctan c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gc = abs(gcl) * if( gd = 90. else tanc = sine(gc)/cosine(gc) gd = arctan(b2, tanc) end if * geodet = gd*sign(1., gcl) return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function GEOCEN(gdl) * * See GEODET for explanation of this algorithm. * Implicit None Real gdl,gd,abs,gc,tand,sine,cosine,arctan,b2,geocen,sign, 1 smajx,sminx,b * parameter (smajx=6378388., sminx=6356911.946, 1 b=sminx/smajx, b2 = b*b) cxr sine,arctan,cosine c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gd = abs(gdl) * if( gc = 90. else tand = sine(gd)/cosine(gd) gc = arctan(1., b2*tand) end if * geocen = gc*sign(1., gdl) return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function ARCTAN(xx,yy) * c This routine was originally written in Meteorological Fortran c (MeteFor). Some of the original code may appear in statements c which have been commented out. The original MeteFor source c code may be more self-documenting and readable. * c 19 May 06; on laptop * SFS; output is in degrees * 29 Aug 01; see Approximations for Digital Computers, Hastings. * Implicit None Double Precision dpi,d1,dpio4,d0,dr2d,dc1,dc3,dc5,dc7,dc9 Double Precision dc11,dc13,dc15,dx,dy,dabs,dd,dq,da,da2,dr Real xx,yy,arctan * Parameter(dpi=3.14159265358979d+0, d1=1.d+0, 1 dpio4=dpi/4.d+0, d0=0.d+0, dr2d=180.d+0/dpi, 1 dc1=.9999993329d+0, dc3=-.3332985605d+0, 2 dc5=.1994653599d+0, dc7=-.1390853351d+0, dc9=.964200441d-1, 3 dc11=-.559098861d-1, dc13=.218612288d-1, dc15=-.4054058d-2) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dx = xx dy = yy * if(dabs(dx).le.d0) then if(dabs(dy).le.d0) then write(*, '('' ARCTAN: both arguments are zero.'')') dd = 720.d+0 end if * dd = 90.d+0 if( = -90.d+0 * else dq = dabs(dy/dx) da = (dq - d1)/(dq + d1) da2 = da*da dr = dpio4 + da*(dc1 + da2*(dc3 + da2*(dc5 + da2*(dc7 + da2*(dc9 1 + da2*(dc11 + da2*(dc13 + da2*dc15))))))) dd = dr2d*dr * if( if( = -dd else dd = 180.d+0 - dd if( dd = -dd end if end if * arctan = dd return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function VERNEQ(dt) * cxr dfrac * To return the longitude (positive east) of the Vernal Equinox c at the given time dt, expressed either as JDN or MJDN: * See page 37 Montenbruck & Pfleger * * Compared with old VERNEQ.for 9 Dec 91; constant error of c .003 deg; looks OK. * Implicit None Double Precision dt,mjd,mjd0,dint,ut,t,gst,gstc,dfrac,ve Real verneq c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mjd = dt - 2400000.5d0 if(dt .lt. 1721060.d+0) mjd = mjd + 2440588 mjd0 = dint(mjd) ut = 24.d0 * (mjd - mjd0) t = (mjd0 - 51544.5d0)/36525.d0 gst = 6.697374558d0 + 1.0027379093d0 * ut 1 + (8640184.812866d0+(.093104d0 - 6.2d-6*t)*t)*t/3600. gstc = dfrac(gst/24.d0) ve = 360. * (1.d0 - gstc) if(ve .gt. 180.d0) ve = ve - 360. verneq = ve return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function ERAD84(gdlat) * * 28 Aug 04; added comment * 9 Jan 03; uses the spheroid WGS 84 * 5 Jan 03; Liam Gumley reports that MODIS uses the WGS c spheroid of 1984, in which the Equatorial radius is c 6378.137 km, and eccentricity .081819190843, which implies c a polar radius of 6356.75231424498 km, i.e. * b2 = a2(1 - e2) * c To compute the local radius of the earth in kilometers as a c function of geodetic latitude: * See EARCOMP.hlf * Implicit Double Precision (d) * Parameter (dmajor=6378.137d+0, dminor=6356.752314245d+0, 1 b = dminor/dmajor, dmaj2=dmajor*dmajor, 2 dratio=dminor/dmajor, degrad=3.1415926535898d+0/180.d+0) * This is the WGS84 Spheroid. c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if(abs(gdlat) .gt. 90.) then write(*, '('' ERAD84: Given Latitude Is Out of Range: '', 1 1pe16.4)') gdlat erad84 = -1. end if * gclat = geocen(gdlat) * converts to geocentric dxe = dmajor * dcos(degrad * gclat) dxe2 = dxe*dxe dye = dratio*dsqrt(dmaj2 - dxe2) erad84 = dsqrt(dxe2 + dye*dye) return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Character*132 Function CAPLET(cvar,length) c To convert any lower case ASCII letters to capitals character*132 cvar,cout character*1 cc,char save c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cout = ' ' cout(1:length) = cvar(1:length) * do j = 1,length cc = cout(j:j) ich = ichar(cc) if( .and. ich.le.122) cout(j:j) = char(ich-32) end do * caplet = cout return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function INPARM(jymd,csat) * implicit double precision(d) character*8 csat,cloc character*80 cline character*132 caplet real buf(13),hold(13),de2ra logical lexist integer jqmax/z'7fffffff'/ common/e1/dtelem,ds50,xmo,xnodeo,omegao,eo,xincl,xno,xndt2o,xndd60 x,bstar,x,y,z,xdot,ydot,zdot common/c1/ck2,ck4,e6a,qoms2t,s,tothrd,xj3,xke,eqrad,xmnpda,ae common/c2/de2ra,pi,pio2,twopi,x3pio2 equivalence(buf(1),dtelem) save * data xj2,xj4,qo,so/1.082616e-3, -1.65597e-6,120., 78./ data init/0/ cxr kpattn,caplet,nthday,dtmjdn,isopen c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if(init.eq.0)then inquire(file='TLINSET', exist=lexist) * if(.not.lexist)then write(*, '('' The Two-Line Element File TLINSET is required,''/ 1 '' but does not exist.''/)') dtelem = -1.d+0 go to 202 end if * e6a = 1.e-6 pi = 3.14159265 de2ra = pi/180. pio2 = pi/2. tothrd = .66666667 twopi = 2.*pi x3pio2 = 3.*pio2 xj3 = -.253881e-5 xke = .743669161e-1 eqrad = 6378.135 xmnpda = 1440. ae = 1. ck2 = .5*xj2 ck4 = -.375*xj4 qoms2t = ((qo - so)/eqrad)**4 s = (1. + so/eqrad) init = 1 end if * inp = 1 cloc = ' ' * if(abs(pi-3.14159).gt..001.or.abs(xmnpda-1440.).gt..1)then write(*, '('' INPARM: common blocks c1 and c2 appear not''/ 1 '' to be properly initialized.''/)') write(*,'('' INPARM should be called by VNORAD/VNORAX.'')') go to 202 end if * do 2 i=1,8 if(csat(i:i).eq.' ')go to 4 * cloc(i:i) = csat(i:i) 2 continue * 4 continue nth = nthday(jymd/10000, mod(jymd/100,100), mod(jymd,100)) jyyddd = 1000*(jymd/10000) + nth * if( if( if(jyyddd.le.70000)jyyddd=jyyddd+2000000 end if * cloc=caplet(cloc,8) if(isopen(58).eq.0)open(58,file='TLINSET', x form='formatted',STATUS='old',ACCESS='sequential') relmin = 1.e+30 kfound = 0 dtymd = dtmjdn(jyyddd/1000, 0, mod(jyyddd,1000), 0,0,0) * do 6 kq0001 = 1,jqmax read(58, '(a80)',end=990,err=992) cline kpat = kpattn(cline,80,cloc,8,0) if(kpat.eq.0)go to 6 * kfound = 1 read(58,'(18x,d14.8,1x,f10.8,2(1x,f6.5,i2))',end=992,err=992) 1 dtelem,xndt2o,xndd60,iexp,bstar,ibexp read(58, '(7x, 2(1x,f8.4), 1x, f7.7, 2(1x,f8.4), 1x, f11.8)', x err=992) 1 xincl,xnodeo,eo,omegao,xmo,xno jepoch = dtelem if( if( dtep = dtmjdn(jepoch/1000, 0, mod(jepoch,1000),0,0,0) rel = dtymd - dtep if(abs(rel).lt.1.)goto20 if( * if(abs(rel).lt.relmin)then relmin = abs(rel) * do 8 i=1,13 8 hold(i) = buf(i) * end if * 6 continue * write(*, '('' INPARM: no elements found for '', i10)') jymd dtelem = -1.d+0 go to 202 * 20 xndd60 = xndd60*(10.**iexp) xnodeo = xnodeo*de2ra omegao = omegao*de2ra xmo = xmo*de2ra xincl = xincl*de2ra temp = twopi/(xmnpda*xmnpda) xno = xno*temp*xmnpda xndt2o = xndt2o*temp xndd60 = xndd60*temp/xmnpda a1 = (xke/xno)**tothrd temp = 1.5*ck2*(3.*cos(xincl)**2-1.)/(1.-eo*eo)**1.5 del1 = temp/(a1*a1) ao = a1*(1. - del1*(.5*tothrd + del1*(1. + 134.*del1/81.))) delo = temp/(ao*ao) xnodp = xno/(1.+delo) ideep = 0 if(twopi/(xnodp*xmnpda).ge..15625)ideep=1 * if( write(*, '('' This orbit requires deep space logic'')') dtelem = -1.d+0 go to 202 end if * bstar = bstar*(10.**ibexp)/ae close(58) inp = 0 202 inparm = inp return * 990 if(kfound.eq.0)then write(*, '('' INPARM: no parameters found for this satellite: '', 1 a8)') CSAT dtelem = -1.d+0 go to 202 end if * do 10 i=1,13 10 buf(i) = hold(i) * go to 20 992 write(*, '('' INPARM input error '')') kfound = 0 go to 990 end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Subroutine SGP8(iflag,tsince) * c 18 Apr 07; NSC * 8 Feb 99; ARCTAN ===> ACTAN; the result must be augmented c by 360 deg, or 2 pi, if it is negative, to conform to the c result from ACTAN. cxr arctan,fmod2p * * 11 Dec 98; received from UW astronomy department, via FTP c from; sign in as anonymous; go to the c directory pub/jwp; then FTP the file; use c the command 'unzip' on Unix * * This routine was written by NORAD, not by SSEC. * * The REAL input argument 'tsince' is time since epoch in c minutes. It may be positive or negative. * The epoch itself is the Double Precision variable 'epoch' c in the common block /e1/, in the form YYDDD.fffff..., c where ffff is a fraction of a day. The integer 'iflag' * should be 1 on the first call to perform c needed initialization, and zero thereafter, until and unless c another satellite is to be predicted, in which case it must c again be 1. * * The outputs from this subroutine are returned thru the c common block /e1/. c The principal outputs are satellite position (x,y,z), c and satellite velocity (xdot,ydot,zdot). * The output vectors are celestial, not terrestrial. * The position vector uses earth-radius as its unit of length * The velocity vector (returned thru common) is in c radians/minute. * This routine is typically called thru an intermediate subroutine, c e.g. like VNORAD.hlf (q.v.). VNORAD further insures that c the needed orbital parameters from the ASCII file TLINSET c have been installed in common/e1/. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc double precision epoch, ds50 common/e1/epoch,ds50,xmo,xnodeo,omegao,eo,xincl,xno,xndt2o, 1 xndd6o,bstar, x,y,z,xdot,ydot,zdot common/c1/ck2,ck4,e6a,qoms2t,s,tothrd, 1 xj3,xke,xkmper,xmnpda,ae save * data rho/.15696615/ c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if (iflag .eq. 0) go to 100 * * Recover original mean motion (xnodp) and semimajor axis (aodp) * from input elements --------- calculate ballistic coefficient * (b term) from input b* drag term * a1 = (xke/xno)**tothrd * xno is mean motion in radians/minute cosi = cos(xincl) theta2 = cosi*cosi tthmun = 3.*theta2 - 1. eosq = eo*eo betao2 = 1.-eosq betao = sqrt(betao2) del1=1.5*ck2*tthmun/(a1*a1*betao*betao2) * ao=a1*(1.-del1*(.5*tothrd+del1*(1.+134./81.*del1))) ao = a1*(1. - del1*(.5*tothrd + del1*(1. + 134.*del1/81.))) delo = 1.5*ck2*tthmun/(ao*ao*betao*betao2) aodp = ao/(1.-delo) xnodp = xno/(1.+delo) b = 2.*bstar/rho * * Initialization * isimp = 0 po = aodp*betao2 pom2 = 1./(po*po) sini = sin(xincl) sing = sin(omegao) cosg = cos(omegao) temp = .5*xincl sinio2 = sin(temp) cosio2 = cos(temp) theta4 = theta2**2 unm5th = 1.-5.*theta2 unmth2 = 1.-theta2 * a3cof = -xj3/ck2*ae**3 a3cof = -xj3 * ae**3 / ck2 pardt1 = 3.*ck2*pom2*xnodp pardt2 = pardt1*ck2*pom2 pardt4 = 1.25*ck4*pom2*pom2*xnodp xmdt1 = .5*pardt1*betao*tthmun xgdt1 = -.5*pardt1*unm5th xhdt1 = -pardt1*cosi xlldot = xnodp + xmdt1 + 2 .0625*pardt2*betao*(13.-78.*theta2+137.*theta4) omgdt=xgdt1+ 1 .0625*pardt2*(7.-114.*theta2 + 395.*theta4) + pardt4*(3.-36.* 2 theta2+49.*theta4) xnodot=xhdt1+ 1 (.5*pardt2*(4.-19.*theta2)+2.*pardt4*(3.-7.*theta2))*cosi tsi = 1./(po-s) eta = eo*s*tsi eta2 = eta**2 psim2 = abs(1./(1.-eta2)) alpha2 = 1.+eosq eeta = eo*eta cos2g = 2.*cosg**2-1. d5 = tsi*psim2 d1 = d5/po d2 = 12. + eta2*(36. + 4.5*eta2) d3 = eta2*(15. + 2.5*eta2) d4 = eta*(5. + 3.75*eta2) b1 = ck2*tthmun b2 = -ck2*unmth2 b3 = a3cof*sini c0 = .5*b*rho*qoms2t*xnodp*aodp*tsi**4*psim2**3.5/sqrt(alpha2) c1 = 1.5*xnodp*alpha2**2*c0 c4 = d1*d3*b2 c5 = d5*d4*b3 xndt=c1*( 1 (2. + eta2*(3. + 34.*eosq) + 5.*eeta*(4. + eta2) + 8.5*eosq) + 1 d1*d2*b1 + c4*cos2g+c5*sing) xndtn=xndt/xnodp * * If drag is very small, the isimp flag is set and the * equations are truncated to linear variation in mean * motion and quadratic variation in mean anomaly if(abs(xndtn*xmnpda) .lt. 2.16e-3) go to 50 * d6 = eta*(30. + 22.5*eta2) d7 = eta*(5. + 12.5*eta2) d8 = 1. + eta2*(6.75 + eta2) c8 = d1*d7*b2 c9 = d5*d8*b3 edot = -c0*( 1 eta*(4.+eta2+eosq*(15.5+7.*eta2))+eo*(5.+15.*eta2)+ 1 d1*d6*b1 + 1 c8*cos2g+c9*sing) d20 = .5*tothrd*xndtn aldtal = eo*edot/alpha2 tsdtts = 2.*aodp*tsi*(d20*betao2 + eo*edot) etdt = (edot + eo*tsdtts)*tsi*s psdtps = -eta*etdt*psim2 sin2g = 2.*sing*cosg c0dtc0 = d20+4.*tsdtts-aldtal-7.*psdtps c1dtc1 = xndtn + 4.*aldtal + c0dtc0 d9 = eta*(6. + 68.*eosq) + eo*(20. + 15.*eta2) d10 = 5.*eta*(4. + eta2) + eo*(17. + 68.*eta2) d11 = eta*(72. + 18.*eta2) d12 = eta*(30. + 10.*eta2) d13 = 5. + 11.25*eta2 d14 = tsdtts-2.*psdtps d15 = 2.*(d20 + eo*edot/betao2) d1dt = d1*(d14+d15) d2dt = etdt*d11 d3dt = etdt*d12 d4dt = etdt*d13 d5dt = d5*d14 c4dt = b2*(d1dt*d3+d1*d3dt) c5dt = b3*(d5dt*d4+d5*d4dt) d16= 1 d9*etdt+d10*edot + 1 b1*(d1dt*d2+d1*d2dt) + 1 c4dt*cos2g+c5dt*sing+xgdt1*(c5*cosg-2.*c4*sin2g) xnddt = c1dtc1*xndt + c1*d16 eddot = c0dtc0*edot-c0*( 1 (4.+3.*eta2+30.*eeta+eosq*(15.5+21.*eta2))*etdt+(5.+15.*eta2 x +eeta*(31.+14.*eta2))*edot + 1 b1*(d1dt*d6 + d1*etdt*(30. + 67.5*eta2)) + 1 b2*(d1dt*d7 + d1*etdt*(5. + 37.5*eta2))*cos2g + 1 b3*(d5dt*d8 + d5*etdt*eta*(13.5 + 4.*eta2))*sing + xgdt1*(c9* x cosg-2.*c8*sin2g)) d25 = edot**2 d17 = xnddt/xnodp - xndtn**2 tsddts=2.*tsdtts*(tsdtts-d20)+aodp*tsi*(tothrd*betao2*d17-4.*d20* x eo*edot+2.*(d25+eo*eddot)) etddt =(eddot+2.*edot*tsdtts)*tsi*s+tsddts*eta d18 = tsddts-tsdtts**2 d19= - psdtps**2/eta2 - eta*etddt*psim2 - psdtps**2 d23 = etdt*etdt d1ddt=d1dt*(d14+d15)+d1*(d18-2.*d19+tothrd*d17+2.*(alpha2*d25 x /betao2+eo*eddot)/betao2) xntrdt=xndt*(2.*tothrd*d17+3.* 1 (d25+eo*eddot)/alpha2 - 6.*aldtal**2 + 1 4.*d18-7.*d19 ) + 1 c1dtc1*xnddt+c1*(c1dtc1*d16+ 1 d9*etddt+d10*eddot+d23*(6.+30.*eeta+68.*eosq)+ 1 etdt*edot*(40.+30.* x eta2+272.*eeta)+d25*(17.+68.*eta2) + 1 b1*(d1ddt*d2+2.*d1dt*d2dt+d1*(etddt*d11+d23*(72.+54.*eta2))) + 1 b2*(d1ddt*d3+2.*d1dt*d3dt+d1*(etddt*d12+d23*(30.+30.*eta2))) * 1 cos2g+ 1 b3*((d5dt*d14+d5*(d18-2.*d19)) * 1 d4+2.*d4dt*d5dt+d5*(etddt*d13+22.5*eta*d23)) *sing+xgdt1* 1 ((7.*d20+4.*eo*edot/betao2)* x (c5*cosg-2.*c4*sin2g) x + ((2.*c5dt*cosg-4.*c4dt*sin2g)-xgdt1*(c5*sing+4.* x c4*cos2g)))) tmnddt = xnddt*1.e9 temp = tmnddt**2-xndt*1.e18*xntrdt pp = (temp+tmnddt**2)/temp gamma = -xntrdt/(xnddt*(pp-2.)) xnd = xndt/(pp*gamma) qq = 1.-eddot/(edot*gamma) ed = edot/(qq*gamma) ovgpp = 1./(gamma*(pp+1.)) go to 70 * 50 isimp=1 edot=-tothrd*xndtn*(1.-eo) * 70 iflag=0 * * Update for secular gravity and atmospheric drag * 100 xmam = fmod2p(xmo + xlldot*tsince) omgasm = omegao + omgdt*tsince xnodes = xnodeo + xnodot*tsince if(isimp .eq. 1) go to 105 * temp = 1.-gamma*tsince temp1 = temp**pp xn = xnodp+xnd*(1.-temp1) em = eo+ed*(1.-temp**qq) z1 = xnd*(tsince+ovgpp*(temp*temp1-1.)) go to 108 * 105 xn = xnodp+xndt*tsince em = eo+edot*tsince z1 = .5*xndt*tsince*tsince * 108 z7 = 3.5*tothrd*z1/xnodp xmam = fmod2p(xmam+z1+z7*xmdt1) omgasm = omgasm+z7*xgdt1 xnodes = xnodes+z7*xhdt1 * * Solve Keplers equation zc2=xmam+em*sin(xmam)*(1.+em*cos(xmam)) * do 130 i=1,10 sine=sin(zc2) cose=cos(zc2) zc5=1./(1.-em*cose) cape=(xmam+em*sine-zc2)* 1 zc5+zc2 if(abs(cape-zc2) .le. e6a) go to 140 * 130 zc2=cape * * short period preliminary quantities * 140 am = (xke/xn)**tothrd beta2m = 1.-em*em sinos = sin(omgasm) cosos = cos(omgasm) axnm = em*cosos aynm = em*sinos pm = am*beta2m g1 = 1./pm g2 = .5*ck2*g1 g3 = g2*g1 beta = sqrt(beta2m) g4 = .25*a3cof*sini g5 = .25*a3cof*g1 snf = beta*sine*zc5 csf = (cose-em)*zc5 * fm = actan(snf,csf) fm = .0174532925*arctan(csf,snf) if(fm .lt. 0.) fm = fm + 6.2831853 * To simulate ACTAN, which returns 0 to 2*pi snfg = snf*cosos + csf*sinos csfg = csf*cosos - snf*sinos sn2f2g = 2.*snfg*csfg cs2f2g = 2.*csfg**2-1. ecosf = em*csf g10 = fm - xmam+em*snf rm = pm/(1.+ecosf) aovr = am/rm g13 = xn*aovr g14 = -g13*aovr dr = g2*(unmth2*cs2f2g - 3.*tthmun) - g4*snfg diwc = 3.*g3*sini*cs2f2g-g5*aynm di = diwc*cosi * * update for short period periodics * sni2du = sinio2*( 1 g3*(.5*(1.-7.*theta2)*sn2f2g-3.*unm5th*g10)-g5*sini*csfg*(2.+ 2 ecosf)) - .5*g5*theta2*axnm/cosio2 xlamb=fm+omgasm+xnodes+g3*(.5*(1.+6.*cosi-7.*theta2)*sn2f2g-3.* 1 (unm5th+2.*cosi)*g10)+g5*sini*(cosi*axnm/(1.+cosi)-(2. 2 + ecosf)*csfg) y4 = sinio2*snfg+csfg*sni2du+.5*snfg*cosio2*di y5 = sinio2*csfg-snfg*sni2du+.5*csfg*cosio2*di r = rm + dr rdot = xn*am*em*snf/beta + g14*(2.*g2*unmth2*sn2f2g+g4*csfg) rvdot = xn*am**2*beta/rm + 1 g14*dr+am*g13*sini*diwc * * orientation vectors * snlamb = sin(xlamb) cslamb = cos(xlamb) temp = 2.*(y5*snlamb-y4*cslamb) ux = y4*temp + cslamb vx = y5*temp-snlamb temp = 2.*(y5*cslamb + y4*snlamb) uy = -y4*temp + snlamb vy = -y5*temp + cslamb temp = 2.*sqrt(1. - y4*y4 - y5*y5) uz = y4*temp vz = y5*temp * * Position and Velocity x = r*ux y = r*uy z = r*uz xdot = rdot*ux + rvdot*vx ydot = rdot*uy + rvdot*vy zdot = rdot*uz + rvdot*vz * Note: x,y,z are in units of earth radius. c xdot,ydot,zdot are in radians per minute - Nagle * return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function SMAXIS(xno,ep,fincl) * * 2 Apr 07; NSC * 5 Oct 99; improved accuracy in computing sio c Semi-major axis from mean motion, inclination & eccentricity c The output is in nautical miles. * The inverse function is DMMOTN.hlf * c xno - mean motion in revolutions per day c ep - eccentricity c fincl - inclination * The International Nautical Mile is 1852 meters, exactly. * This is 6076.11549 feet, approximately. * See Bowditch, Vol II, page 446. * implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) * c Obtained from US Air Force, 1000th Satellite Operations Group, c Offutt AFB, Nebraska 68113, Tel 402-294-5455 c (Attn: Capt Wiseman - 27 Jul 87) * parameter( const = -1.5d+0 * 1.082616d-3, 1 rc2 = 20925639.76d+0 ** 2 , third = 1.d+0/3.d+0, 2 frac = 44.d+0/81.d+0 , ft2nm = 1.64578833d-4, d1=1.d+0) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xnonew = 6.2831853071796d+0 * xno / 86400.d+0 sio = dsin(.0174532925199433d+0 * fincl) c 1.74532925199433D-02 = pi/180 ao = ( 1.40764544d+16/xnonew ** 2) ** third do = const * (rc2/ao**2)*(d1 - ep**2) **(-1.5d+0)* 1 (d1 - 1.5d+0 * sio**2) smaxis = 1 ao * (d1 + do*(third - do*(third - do*frac))) * ft2nm * Note: This should probably be multiplied by .999408 * based on a McIdas test 11 Oct 89. return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr c Vector Function UNIT4(VEC) Subroutine Unit4(vec,uvec) * * 2 Apr 03; to compute the norm of an arbitrary vector: * real vec(3),uvec(3) equivalence(jr2,r2),(sum2,jsum2) * data j$01/z'20000000'/ dec 536870912 c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sum2 = vec(1)*vec(1) + vec(2)*vec(2) + vec(3)*vec(3) * if(sum2 .gt. 0.)then jr2 = jsum2/2 + 536870912 * do 2 n = 1,6 r1 = r2 2 r2 = .5*(r1 + sum2/r1) * do 4 j = 1,3 4 uvec(j) = vec(j)/r2 * else do 6 j = 1,3 6 uvec(j) = 0. * write(*, '('' UNIT4: Warning - the given vector argument has '', 1 ''zero length.'')') end if * return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Subroutine VCONIC(vg,vplane,rot,vqonic) * c This routine was originally written in Meteorological Fortran c (MeteFor), an extension of Fortran-77, in order to utilize the c vector and matrix notation available in MeteFor. This c routine is also maintained in MeteFor. Some of the original c MeteFor code may appear in statements which have been commented c out. The original MeteFor source (suffix .hlf) is more c readable and self-documenting. See the document MeteFor.doc. * * 21 Aug 98; shortened slightly * Imagine a cone whose axis is the vector VCONE. Let the c vector VG be an element of the cone directed away from the c apex of the cone. This vector-valued function rotates the c vector VG rightward (clockwise) about the axis VCONE, as c VCONE is pointed toward the viewer. If the cone is degenerate, c i.e. if it is a plane, then this function is the same as c VROT4. * c More crudely, imagine looking into the interior of an empty c ice cream cone. The vector VCONE is the axis of the cone, c directed toward the viewer. Let the vector VG c be any element of the cone extending from the apex of c the cone toward the lip. If the viewer now rotates the cone c 'rot' degrees clockwise from his perspective, this function c computes the new vector value of VG after the rotation. * If rot<0, then the rotation is counter-clockwise. * The cone may be merely a plane, in which case VCONE and VG are c normal. A practical application would be determining the direction c of view of a conically-scanning satellite. * Implicit None real vq41(3),vq42(3),vq43(3),vq44(3),vq45(3) real uv(3),vplane(3),ur(3),vg(3),uh(3),sine,cosine,rot real rq41,rq42,rq43,rq44,vqonic(3) cxr sine,cosine,unit4 c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * uv = unit4(vplane) call unit4(vplane,uv) * * ur = unit4(vg ** uv) vq41(1) = vg(2)*uv(3) - uv(2)*vg(3) vq41(2) = vg(3)*uv(1) - uv(3)*vg(1) vq41(3) = vg(1)*uv(2) - uv(1)*vg(2) call unit4(vq41,ur) * * uh = unit4(uv ** ur) vq41(1) = uv(2)*ur(3) - ur(2)*uv(3) vq41(2) = uv(3)*ur(1) - ur(3)*uv(1) vq41(3) = uv(1)*ur(2) - ur(1)*uv(2) call unit4(vq41,uh) * * vconic = (uh*vg) * (ur*sine(rot) + uh*cosine(rot)) + * 1 (vg*uv) * uv rq41=sine(rot) rq42=cosine(rot) rq43=uh(1)*vg(1)+uh(2)*vg(2)+uh(3)*vg(3) vq41(1) = ur(1)*rq41 vq41(2) = ur(2)*rq41 vq41(3) = ur(3)*rq41 vq42(1) = uh(1)*rq42 vq42(2) = uh(2)*rq42 vq42(3) = uh(3)*rq42 vq43(1) = vq41(1)+vq42(1) vq43(2) = vq41(2)+vq42(2) vq43(3) = vq41(3)+vq42(3) rq44 = vg(1)*uv(1)+vg(2)*uv(2)+vg(3)*uv(3) vq44(1) = vq43(1)*rq43 vq44(2) = vq43(2)*rq43 vq44(3) = vq43(3)*rq43 vq45(1) = uv(1)*rq44 vq45(2) = uv(2)*rq44 vq45(3) = uv(3)*rq44 vqonic(1) = vq44(1)+vq45(1) vqonic(2) = vq44(2)+vq45(2) vqonic(3) = vq44(3)+vq45(3) return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function ARCCOS(xx) * * 19 Feb 03; tested superfically in NORWATCH implicit double precision(d) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x = xx * if(abs(x).gt.1.)then write(*, '('' ARCCOS: argument > 1: '', 1pe14.6)') c ac = 999. * else dx = x da = 57.2957795131*dacos(dx) ac = da end if * arccos = ac return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function EARRAD(gdlat) * * 9 Jan 03; uses the International Spheroid (see Bowditch p. 1194) * 10 Aug 01; geodetic ===> geocentric as input c To compute the local radius of the earth in kilometers as a c function of geodetic latitude: * Implicit Double Precision (d) Parameter (dmajor=6378.388d+0, dminor=6356.911946d+0, 1 b = dminor/dmajor, dmaj2=dmajor*dmajor, 2 dratio=dminor/dmajor, degrad=3.1415926535898d+0/180.d+0) * Semi-major and -minor axes of Earth in km c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if(abs(gdlat) .gt. 90.) then write(*, '('' EARRAD: Given Latitude Is Out of Range: '', 1 1pe16.4)') gdlat earrad = -1. end if * gclat = geocen(gdlat) * converts to geocentric dxe = dmajor * dcos(degrad * gclat) dxe2 = dxe*dxe dye = dratio*dsqrt(dmaj2 - dxe2) earrad = dsqrt(dxe2 + dye*dye) return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function RVMAG4(VEC) * to compute the length of a Vector*4: * real vec(3) equivalence(sum,jsum), (r1,jr1) c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx r1 = 0. sum = vec(1)*vec(1) + vec(2)*vec(2) + vec(3)*vec(3) * if( then jr1 = jsum/2 + 536870912 * do 2 n = 1,6 r0 = r1 2 r1 = .5*(sum/r0 + r0) * end if * rvmag4 = r1 return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Double Precision Function DFRAC(ditem) * * The function returns the fraction from the algebraically * lesser integer, i.e. * c 1.7 ===> .7 and -1.7 ===> .3 * Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z) cxr dflt c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx df = ditem * if(dabs(df) .gt. 2147483647.9999d0) then write(*, '('' DFRAC: argument is too large: '', d20.10)') df dfrac = 999999999. * else item = df df = df - dflt(item) if(df .lt. 0.d+0) df = df + 1.d+0 dfrac = df end if * return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function KPATTN(cline,lenli,cpat,leng,kode) * * To find the column (1-lenli) where a given pattern begins * If kode=0, searches for exact pattern in 'cpat' c If kode!=0, disregards lower/upper case, i.e. xyz = XYZ * If the pattern does not exist, zero is returned. * leng is the length of the pattern, with maximum 24. * character*132 cline,caplet character*24 csub,cpatl,cpat cxr caplet c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx len = leng if( cpatl = ' ' cpatl = cpat(1:len) if(,len) * do 2 k=1,lenli k1 = k k2 = k1 + len - 1 * if( to 4 * csub = cline(k1:k2) if(kode.eq.1)csub=caplet(csub,len) if(csub.eq.cpatl) go to 20 * 2 continue * 4 continue kpattn = 0 return * 20 kpattn = k1 return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function NTHDAY(ny,nm,nd) * c 31 May 04; if,then ===> go to * This function returns the day of the year (1-366), given c the civil year,month,day. c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kode = 1115212 if(mod(ny,4).eq.0 .and. mod(ny,100).ne.0) kode = 1115208 if(mod(ny,400) .eq. 0) kode = 1115208 nth = nd * if(nm .gt. 1) then nth = 0 m = nm - 1 * do 110 j = 1,m nth = nth + 31 - mod(kode,4) 110 kode = kode/4 * nth = nth + nd end if * nthday = nth return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function ISOPEN(lun) * To ascertain if logical unit number lun is open: c (1=yes, 0=no) * logical lopen c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx inquire(lun, opened=lopen) iset = 0 if(lopen) iset = 1 isopen = iset return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Function FMOD2P(x) * Used in connection with NORAD SGP and SGP4 * This routine was not written by SSEC * common/c2/de2ra,pi,pio2,twopi,x3pio2 save c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx fmod2p = x i = fmod2p/twopi fmod2p = fmod2p-i*twopi if( fmod2p = fmod2p+twopi return end * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Double Precision Function DFLT(narg) c DFLOAT does not work on some Unix platforms Double Precision dd c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dd = narg dflt = dd return end c rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Subroutine TCIVIL(dtime, nyr,nmo,nda,nhr,min,sec, nthday) * * SFS * TCIVIL - to convert time in JDN or MJDN to time c expressed in civil units. Nthday varies from 1 to 366. * This differs from TINVER in that seconds are returned as c REAL*4, and hence may be fractional. c A four-digit year nyr is returned. * Implicit None Double Precision dtime,dt,dfrac,dflt Real secs,fksecs,frac,fnsec,sec Integer jdt,jdtx,nyr,nmo,nda,nthday,ksecs,nhr,min,nsec * character*4 cmon cxr julinv,dflt c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if(dtime .le. 0.d+0) go to 800 * dt = dtime + .5d+0 jdt = dt jdtx = jdt if( = jdtx + 2440588 * An input smaller than 1721060 (beginning of Christian era) c is presumed to be a Modified Julian Day Number. call julinv(jdtx, nyr,nmo,nda, cmon,nthday) dfrac = dt - dflt(jdt) secs = 86400.d+0 * dfrac + 1.d-6 ksecs = secs nhr = ksecs/3600 min = (ksecs - 3600*nhr)/60 nsec = ksecs - 3600*nhr - 60*min fksecs = ksecs frac = secs - fksecs fnsec = nsec sec = fnsec + frac if( return * 800 nyr = 0 nmo = 0 nda = 0 nhr = 0 min = 0 sec = 0 write(*,'('' WARNING: Input to TCIVIL is bad: '',1pd20.10)')dtime return end c rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Subroutine JULINV(julin, ky,km,kd, cmon,nth) * * To convert the Julian Day Number (JDN) to civil date: * 7 Aug 98; tested using JULTEST * This routine works for years 4 AD to 3999 AD. * A 4-digit year ky is returned. The returned ASCII month is of * the form ' Jan', i.e. character*4 with a lead blank. nth * is the day of the year (1-366). * Implicit None Integer jdn,julin,ndce,kwads,nrem,long,ncents,kq0001,nquads Integer kq0002,kyear,kq0003,kym1,leap,mod,kode,nth,mm,m Integer ndm,kd,km,ky character*4 cmon,cmons(12) integer jqmax/z'7fffffff'/ * data cmons/' Jan',' Feb',' Mar',' Apr',' May',' Jun',' Jul', 1 ' Aug',' Sep',' Oct',' Nov',' Dec'/ c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jdn = julin if(jdn<1721060 .or. jdn>3182410) go to 900 * * from beginning of Christian era to about 4000 AD ndce = jdn - 1721060 kwads = ndce/146097 nrem = ndce - 146097*kwads long = 1 ncents = 0 * do 2 kq0001 = 1,jqmax * nrem = & - (36524 + long) nrem = nrem-(36524+long) if( go to 4 * long = 0 2 ncents = ncents+1 * 4 nrem = nrem + (36524 + long) nquads = 0 * do 6 kq0002 = 1,jqmax nrem = nrem-(1460+long) if( go to 8 * long = 1 6 nquads = nquads+1 * 8 nrem = nrem + (1460 + long) kyear = 400*kwads + 100*ncents + 4*nquads long = 1 * do 10 kq0003 = 1,jqmax nrem = nrem-(365+long) if( go to 12 * long = 0 10 kyear = kyear+1 * 12 nrem = nrem+(365+long) kym1 = kyear - 1 leap = (mod(kym1,4)+1)/4 - (mod(kym1,100)+1)/100 1 + (mod(kym1,400)+1)/400 kode = 1115212 - 4*leap nth = nrem + 1 * do 14 m = 1,12 mm = m ndm = 31 - mod(kode,4) nrem = nrem-ndm if( go to 16 * 14 kode = kode/4 * 16 nrem = nrem+ndm kd = nrem + 1 km = mm cmon = cmons(mm) ky = kyear return * 900 write(*, '('' JULINV: JDN out of range:'', i14)') jdn return end