Adding a new hard drive for use as a scratch space in the IMAPP Virtual Appliance. Liam Gumley March 14, 2010 1. Add a new hard disk to the virtual appliance NOTE: The appliance must be shut down first. In the VMware Player or Fusion settings, add a new hard disk, and store the disk image on the host device you wish to use for scratch space. We used a 120 GB SSD. 2. Start the virtual appliance. 3. Configure the new hard disk in the virtual appliance. The process used here is described at the following website: The commands we used are listed below. sudo su - apt-get install lshw lshw -C disk (note the 'logical name' of the new disk) fdisk /dev/sdb (create a new partition by typing n, p, 1, enter, enter, w) mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 (format the disk) tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdb1 (modify reserved space) sudo mkdir /scratch (create mount point) gedit /etc/fstab (add the following line so new disk mounts on boot) /dev/sdb1 /scratch ext3 defaults 0 2 mount -a (mount the disk) chown -R modis:modis /scratch (change ownership)